
Entry manditra (handitra)
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Mafotra, mafotrafotra: Voankazo manditra
Mitovy hevitra: mafotra ~ maisatra ~ mavoana [1.1]
Explanations in French Farineux, savoureux, qui n’a pas trop d’eau [1.3]

Entry manditra
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Karazam-bibilava lehibe malaza ho mivelona ao anaty lava-bitsika, ka izany no iantsoana azy koa hoe renivitsika [1.1]
Explanations in French Gros serpent [1.3, 1.54]
Examples Fa namaly an-katezerana kosa ny manditra hoe: "Ny tongotro no mondry, lany enti-manenjika an' itena; [2.69]
Other spellings 

Updated on 2023/09/25